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"Lost and Found: A Dream of Adoption and Remembrance"

 I was a woman who is dreaming about entering a park and when I did the first thing I remembered was the sidewalk the past that led to different buildings different activities one was baseball with kids another one was a swimming competition with kids other buildings were basically there as administrative but the one building I was looking for was someone where you could adopt an animal and when I went there I looked through the window and I saw all these white dogs and they look similar to two dogs that have passed away in the last six years and when I went in there I kept calling the name of one of my little dogs that passed away 6 years ago and when no one they all looked at me but when no one answered my call I said oh I must have the wrong name it's Ellie I must be calling but still I got no answer and then they said there's this big beautiful brown poodle it look like a labrador doodle Labradoodle I tried to go outside door to see if I could connect with the people from the Humane Society to see if there was any more white dogs but they said there wasn't and that's when my dream ended

I was a woman who is dreaming about entering a park and when I did the first thing I remembered was the sidewalk the past that led to different buildings different activities one was baseball with kids another one was a swimming competition with kids other buildings were basically there as administrative but the one building I was looking for was someone where you could adopt an animal and when I went there I looked through the window and I saw all these white dogs and they look similar to two dogs that have passed away in the last six years and when I went in there I kept calling the name of one of my little dogs that passed away 6 years ago and when no one they all looked at me but when no one answered my call I said oh I must have the wrong name it's Ellie I must be calling but still I got no answer and then they said there's this big beautiful brown poodle it look like a labrador doodle Labradoodle I tried to go outside door to see if I could connect with the people from the Humane Society to see if there was any more white dogs but they said there wasn't and that's when my dream ended

This dream may represent your deep longing for the companionship and love that you experienced with your dogs who have passed away. The park symbolizes a space of joy and leisure, suggesting that you are seeking happiness and fulfillment in your waking life. The different activities and buildings within the park represent various aspects of your life and the different paths you have or could explore.

The presence of the building where you could adopt an animal suggests that you may be seeking a new source of love and companionship in your life. The white dogs that resemble your deceased dogs symbolize the memory and presence of these beloved pets in your life. Your calling out for your dog's name and not receiving a response may represent the inability to regain the same connection or find the same level of comfort and companionship you had with your previous pets.

The mention of Ellie as a potential alternative name could symbolize your willingness to adapt and open yourself up to new possibilities and connections. The brown poodle that resembles a Labradoodle may represent a potential new companion that you may have overlooked or not considered.

The ending of the dream, with the Humane Society stating that there were no more white dogs, may suggest that you need to explore other avenues or possibilities for finding companionship and love in your life. It may be a sign to expand your search beyond what is familiar or what you have already experienced.